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Batteries as a Service

BSTOR develops, finances, owns and operates your battery assets

A battery project development boutique

BSTOR provides services along the whole project lifetime of battery assets from development (feasibility, sizing, business model, procurement) and financing (revenue sourcing and structuration, debt sourcing, equity supply), to ownership (lifetime cost and revenue management, decommissioning) and decommissioning (second life management).

A front runner in Belgium and Europe

BSTOR is the proud developer, and owner of a 75% share, of ESTOR-LUX, Belgium’s first large scale battery park connected to the High Voltage Grid.

Based on this first successful experience, BSTOR’s ambition is to remain the front-running developer in Belgium, both in terms of innovation and volume, targeting to deliver a pipeline of at least 150 MW of battery projects for financial close by 2024 and operations by 2025, contributing to the retirement of the spinning gas turbines from the fast flexibility market.

The pipeline includes projects directly connected to the grid (“front-of-meter”) and projects connected “behind-the-meter” of grid users.

Inauguration of ESTOR-LUX project in Bastogne by (from l to r), M. Willy Borsus, Walloon Minister of Economy; M. Benoît Lurgen, Mayor of Bastogne; Ms. Tinne Van der Straeten, Federal Minister of Energy; and M. Philippe Henry, Walloon Minister of Climate

Latest news

Independent Board Member of BSTOR

March 15, 2024|

Daniel Dobbeni appointed as an Independent Board Member of BSTOR Daniel Dobbeni, a Belgian MsC engineer, brings first-rate international experience in the power transmission and distribution sector. He has held [...]

Foundation of BSTOR

June 10, 2022|

Ackermans & van Haaren, SRIW and Bruno Vanderschueren merge their battery storage development related activities into BSTOR Following years of fruitful collaboration and cooperation, Ackermans & Van Haaren, Bruno Vanderschueren [...]

ESTOR-LUX battery park inaugurated

April 26, 2022|

ESTOR-LUX battery park inaugurated today by Federal Minister of Energy, Walloon Ministers of Economy and Climate and Mayor of Bastogne Bastogne, 26 April 2022 – EStor-Lux, the first [...]

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