Behind-the-meter storage

Grid users and in particular industrial consumers are facing serious challenges due to the energy transition:

  • They face increasing and increasingly volatile prices from the market, in a context of decreasing security of supply;
  • They are under ever more pressure to source their power from renewables, either locally developed “behind their meter”, or through corporate PPAs, while there is a mismatch between their consumption profile and the generation profile of those renewable sources. Furthermore this challenges their sourcing strategy (or the one of from their supplier), as their residual consumption is suddenly exposed to (higher) profile and imbalance risks and costs;
  • They are increasing their total and mostly their peak electricity consumption due to the further electrification of their production processes and energy consumption, in particular heating and mobility, and this in a context of increasing grid capacity saturation, and with (grid and wholesale) tariffs increasingly penalizing peak consumption.

For these reasons, virtually any industrial grid user could benefit from a battery project on the short to mid-term as it can:

  • Time-shift behind the meter production for later self-consumption and maximise the share of self-produced electricity;
  • Shave the peaks, reduce registered grid connection capacity or store energy to deliver peak demand above such capacity;
  • Mitigate spot and imbalance risks and lower the associated costs for residual consumption (remaining consumption after behind the meter generated or corporate PPA sourced electricity);
  • Enable electric mobility through local grid reinforcement for charging infrastructure and storage of locally generated renewable electricity;
  • Deliver uninterrupted power supply and/or black-start, improve power quality (voltage sags and swells, reactive power compensation).

Feasibility of such behind-the-meter projects depends on the ability to structure and stack above listed potential value streams and potentially to combine those with front-of-meter value generation.

This is again where BSTOR’s expertise comes into play through its ability to mobilise this value generation, both front-of-meter and behind-the-meter, and its third-party financing solution.